3 Ways to Promote Your Hemp-Derived CBD Products Over Competitors

If you’re trying to make money selling CBD oil, you’ve likely run into this issue: People are loyal to their chosen hemp-derived CBD brand and aren’t excited about trying something new. These products are daily wellness essentials for many people. As such, once they’ve found one they like (or think is the best, bar-none), convincing them to switch is difficult.


Should you give up? Absolutely not! While you should cast a wide net and target an audience of hemp-derived CBD newcomers as well, it helps to know how to make your brand and products stand out.

Lead with the Facts

In the hemp-derived CBD oil market, facts matter way more than marketing hype. Unfortunately, too many people have bought into one specific brand because of their pictures on social media and are unfamiliar with the real science behind the formula. This presents the perfect opportunity for you to differentiate your products from the competition.

Although people might think they know everything there is to know about hemp-derived CBD, there’s always more they could learn. The best brands will put the facts upfront and be transparent about what goes into their formulas, where their hemp-derived CBD oil comes from, their testing practices, and much more.

Point Out Differentiating Factors

You know that the hemp-derived CBD oil you sell is different and unique but do other people know this? Sadly, too many people see all hemp-derived CBD oils as one and the same. It’s either hemp-derived CBD oil or it’s not, and that’s the end of the conversation for them.

If you’re trying to convince someone to switch from one brand to yours, point out the things that make yours different. It might be because your products are powered by nearly 50 years of herbal expertise, or maybe you offer different formulas for different moods or times of the day. Whatever makes your products different, make sure that everyone knows about it.

Speak to Their Needs

At the end of the day, we all want to know what’s in it for us. Why would we want to try a new product when the one we’re currently enjoying seems to get the job done? Along with the differentiating factors your products have, remember that you’re speaking to a real person with real needs and goals. What are they? Of course, you need to know your customers ahead of time, but ensure that your social media posts and your personal conversations are tailored to fit the person’s needs.

Are they enjoying hemp-derived CBD as a way to wind down? Tell them about the herbal blend in your nighttime formula then. Or maybe they just enjoy how hemp seed oil makes them feel; that’s the perfect opportunity to tell them how you offer a pure hemp seed formula. Whatever the situation or who you’re selling to, remember to speak to their needs. It just might be the nudge they need to give your products a try.

About qemp

There’s your typical hemp-derived CBD oil, and then there’s qemp’s Next Level hemp-derived CBD. The brand likes to take things to the next level with their innovative hemp-derived CBD products in addition to the wide selection of products they have available for different moods and needs. This hemp-derived CBD brand, powered by nearly 50 years of herbal expertise, creates unique, elevated formulas that are unlike anything else on the market. Shop the entire selection of qemp’s hemp-derived full spectrum CBD oil products to find the one that best fits your needs. From their hemp-derived CBD roll on stick to their CBD for energy blend and much more, qemp offers something for everyone. They also offer a hemp-derived CBD oil MLM opportunity too. Trust in qemp’s time-tested herbal blends and their top-notch testing and validation processes and expect nothing but the best.

Learn how to offer qemp’s products through their MLM opportunity at Qemp.com


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